Wednesday, November 2, 2011


Homeschooling is the subject that brought my husband Matt and I together. We met July 2004 on a christian dating site called While I don't remember the exact details of what our conversation was, I knew that during my time on this website and the dozens of conversations I had with other members regarding my goal of homeschooling; Matt's answers to the questions I asked were not the "textbook 'this is what she wants to hear' ", answers given to me by every other person I met on the site.

We now have two sweet boys Malachi (age 4) and Levi (age 2). While we have really been doing alot of "schooling" at home with the boys from when they were little; reading books, flashcards of various subjects (i.e. shapes, colors, numbers, letters) This year we began our "official" homeschooling adventure. Curriculum was purchased, we have a group of families that we meet with once a week for support, socialization and some "tutor" learning by ages. Classical Conversations ( is what we have chosen to use at this time to help us get started on this adventure. Each week Malachi (and levi) learn one "grammar" sentence  from 6 different subjects (History, Latin, Science, Geography, English Grammar, and Math). During our weekly meetings we also have some science experiments and art lessons.

We have now finished 6 plus weeks. And Malachi is progressing so well. The challenge with training a child with grammar sentences is that they don't know yet really what they mean. But the interesting thing is that during one of the weeks we learned a sentence about the Mayflower Compact. Just the other day we were watching the historical version of the Peanuts (Charlie Brown) 'The Mayflower Voyagers."  They show a brief scene in this regarding the Mayflower Compact. So, I was in the kitchen making supper when Malachi all excited runs in to tell me that they signed the 'contact' in his words. At first I wasn't sure what he was talking about until he asked me to rewind his movie. How exciting for him to make his first connection with his learning and how it can show up in other parts of our lives.

Well I've given many and yet not enough details in this introduction. I don't really have a goal for how often I'll post but please send me any questions you might have about Classical Education or things that we are doing in our home to educate our children. I'll try and answer as best as I can and hope that you'll follow us on this journey too.